Eduardo Naranjo "From the Sea and Other Universes"

Size: 65 x 86 cm
Year: 2005
Style: Aquatint on a copper plate

The love depicted by Naranjo is not merely an emotion; it is a foundation of existence, the force that continues the universe within each of us. The painting reveals how love embraces space and time, dissolving barriers between hearts, allowing the soul to soar above the mundane and the waves of life's trials.

It portrays an embrace, genuine and passionate, awakening the world to a new reality devoid of loneliness, where harmony and peace, the union of souls, can transport us beyond the temporal, to a dimension where time loses its hold.

This work is an ode to love, boundless and all-consuming, a force of renewal and rebirth, the bedrock of being and the unseen power that moves the world. Naranjo beckons us to reflect on eternal values, on what is truly important and what remains when all else fades.