METAMORPHOSE Spain S.L. (hereinafter METAMORPHOSE) informs you that access and use of this website are subject to the present conditions of use, so we recommend you read them carefully each time you access our website.

The user agrees to use the website in accordance with the law, this legal notice brought to their attention, as well as morality, generally accepted good customs, and public order.

I. Law 34/2002 on Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce (hereinafter LSSICE).
METAMORPHOSE entity, in compliance with the provisions of Article 10 of the LSSICE, informs you that it is provided with CIF no. B — 13 908 975 with an address at CALLE RIO GUADALMINA, NUM. 1, FLOOR 00, DOOR IZ 29 688 ESTEPONA — (MALAGA). Our contact email address is Privacy
METAMORPHOSE is dedicated to the publication of periodical prints, the creation, production, editing, marketing, and distribution of books, magazines, catalogs, and brochures or any other product derived from them, as well as the realization of events. METAMORPHOSE also sends promotional advertisements and commercial prospecting for companies of the Group and others related to the sectors of telecommunications, financial, leisure, education, mass consumption, automotive, energy, water, and NGOs.

II. Responsibility for contents.
METAMORPHOSE is not responsible for the information contained in other links, directories, or social networks accessed through our website. If the activity or the information that other companies refer to through our website is unlawful or harms goods or rights of a third party, please inform us in order to immediately remove or disable the corresponding link in accordance with the provisions of the LSSICE.
METAMORPHOSE does not have the means to control the content of the websites and/or search tools made available to the User. Consequently, it does not exercise any control over them nor assumes any duty or commitment to verify or monitor such content, therefore METAMORPHOSE will not be responsible for the materials contained or accessible through such websites.
We inform you that the services of the information society cannot infringe upon the following principles: public order, security, public health, and national defense; consumer protection, respect for the dignity of the person and non-discrimination on grounds of race, sex, religion, opinion, nationality, disability, or any other personal or social circumstance; protection of youth and childhood as well as the safeguarding of intellectual property rights. METAMORPHOSE defends these principles and in compliance with the aforementioned Law, is obliged to collaborate with the competent bodies that order the interruption of the service or the removal of certain messages. Consequently, it will suspend the provision of services as soon as it has effective knowledge that the activity or information stored is unlawful or injures goods and rights of third parties, not being responsible for the information issued nor can responsibility of any kind be demanded from METAMORPHOSE for the suspension and interruption of service.

III. Intellectual and Industrial Property.
All contents of the website, whether photographs, images, drawings, texts, audios, videos, software, logos, and design, are protected by Intellectual and Industrial Property regulations, in particular by RDL 1/96 which approves the Consolidated Text of the Intellectual Property Law and by the Trademark Law 17/2001. The rights to the contents belong to METAMORPHOSE or, where appropriate, to third parties.
In no case does access to our website imply the assignment, transmission, or any other type of waiver, neither total nor partial, of Intellectual or Industrial Property rights. The Internet user who accesses our page may only view and obtain a private copy of the contents as long as such copy is exclusively for personal and private use; its use for commercial purposes is strictly prohibited. The distribution, modification, assignment, public communication, and any other act that has not been expressly authorized by the holder of the exploitation rights is prohibited. The user of the website must refrain from deleting, altering, evading, or manipulating any protection device or security systems that may be installed on it. Unauthorized use of the materials and information contained on the Website may involve the violation of the legislation on intellectual or industrial property and other applicable regulations. METAMORPHOSE reserves, therefore, the right to pursue judicially any infringement of its intellectual and industrial property rights.

IV. Limitation of liability.
This website does not offer any guarantee of any kind. METAMORPHOSE does not guarantee that its website will be available at all times. Likewise, it is not responsible for direct or indirect damages arising from the use of this website, including damages to computer systems that may be caused to the user or third parties, nor does it guarantee the absence of viruses or other harmful elements.

V. Policy for the Protection of Personal Data.
METAMORPHOSE has defined its data protection policy in accordance with the provisions of Organic Law 3/2018 on Personal Data Protection and guarantee of digital rights and with the General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679 of the European Parliament concerning the data that you voluntarily provide through our website. You can consult our Privacy Notice here.

VI. Social Networks
Regarding the links that our website establishes to our profiles on the Social Networks of Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Twitter, Google, and those others that it uses at any given time, we inform you that METAMORPHOSE is the provider of Information Society Services in accordance with Art. 10 of LSSI, the information provided on this website being extendable to such profiles. We inform you that on our website we have enabled a Facebook application that allows you to write and publish comments that will be visible on the page of our portal after user identification and Facebook password.
The comments and content published by you through this application will also appear on your social profile on Facebook, METAMORPHOSE having no possibility of control and modification of the same. METAMORPHOSE, as a provider of information society services, may only delete your comments and publications on the Web and/or where appropriate on our social profile in accordance with the principle of actual knowledge established in the LSSICE. The referenced social networks also have their own legal terms and conditions of use, so we recommend reading them.
We also inform you that the Internet is not a source of public access, therefore METAMORPHOSE is exempt from any type of responsibility regarding the processing of data that the user may carry out.

VII. Applicable Law and Jurisdiction.
This Legal Notice and the relationships established between the user and METAMORPHOSE shall be governed by Spanish legislation and the courts and tribunals of the consumer’s domicile are competent in accordance with the provisions of Art. 90.2 of RDL 1/2007 of November 16, by which the consolidated text of the General Law for the Defense of Consumers and Users and other complementary laws is approved.
Likewise, METAMORPHOSE makes available to the user the platform for Online Dispute Resolution in consumer matters in accordance with Art. 14.1 of Regulation (EU) 524/2013, which is available at the following link:
METAMORPHOSE reserves the right to modify at any time the contents of this website without this implying a prejudice to the user and respecting, where appropriate, the general contracting conditions that are in force at any time.

May 2024
Legal Notice