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Daniel Bottero

Daniel Bottero graduated from the National School of Fine Arts in Buenos Aires. In 1990, he moved to New York City, where he has lived and worked ever since.

His colors are easily recognizable, as well as the elegant painting techniques combined in his drawings with complex spatial effects and textures. Always seeking a way to discover a lasting character to represent the world of appearances, whether real or imaginary, Bottero has explored countless painting methods throughout his career in Europe and the Americas.

Today, his style is loose and fluid, as well as distinguished by the certainty of color fields becoming part of his own visual language of images and signs. The paintings can be appreciated from a perspective of subtle attractions with harmonies of colors, to images full of emotional references. From delicate lines that appear and fade as they merge with beautiful colorful backgrounds, shapes and figures seduce the viewer to become part of the painting and create their own end to a universal story.
Bottero's works have been exhibited in various parts of the world. His paintings are part of the corporate collections of Citibank, Avon, Merrill Lynch, and JP Morgan Chase Bank. His pieces belong to several private collections including those of Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton, Dan Marino, Gloria and Emilio Estefan, Al Pacino, Steven Segal, and Oscar de la Hoya. Likewise, his pieces have been exhibited at the Fr. Lauder-dale Museum of Art in Ft. Lauderdale, the Museum of Latin American Art in Laguna Beach, California, the Museum of Art in Ponce, Puerto Rico, and the Recoleta Cultural Center in Buenos Aires. Bottero's paintings are also part of the auction houses Sotheby's and Christie's in New York.
the artist's works