Lev Efimov
Born in 1980 in Pskov, Lev Efimov initially embarked on his creative journey as a photographer and video director before discovering his passion for sculpture—particularly abstract forms that he believes stimulate the human imagination. Efimov draws inspiration from a diverse range of sources, from the natural world to contemporary digital art, and he does not restrict himself to any specific materials or shapes.
In his workshop, which he likens to a mini-factory, Efimov creates unique sculptures that carry their own distinct character and are crafted without predefined stories or titles. He approaches each piece as a discovery, adhering to the philosophy that art should emerge organically and without contrived meanings. He likens the process of creating a sculpture to the birth of a child: "Each creation is a surprise, akin to not knowing the child's gender until the moment of birth."
Efimov's works are highly regarded by collectors and designers alike, as his sculptures not only enhance the aesthetic appeal of spaces but also introduce a profound philosophical depth to the environments they inhabit.